
By Julie Brown

It’s been more than six months since the world we once knew flipped us on our side. We’re only now coming to grips with the challenge of seeking sanity in a pandemic.

Days of eating out with a large group of friends and nights enjoying packed concert halls and movie theaters have come to a halt. We’ve all been stuck inside with people we love and thought we knew—and now, we’re on the verge of losing it if we see one more dirty cup next to the dishwasher instead of in it!

And then there’s school starting back up—at home—and work hasn’t slowed down, and how can there be this much laundry if you’ve worn the same clothes for 3 days in a row??

Seeking sanity is never easy

It’s stressful no doubt. But let’s also get real. Were we that sane before 2020 opened up funhouse mirrors of insanity in our lives? Seeking sanity in a pandemic is no picnic, but it’s not like we cornered the market before Covid-19 arrived.

But what if there’s a way to turn those not-so-good situations into something a bit more tolerable, and dare we say enjoyable?

By simply changing the way we think and how we view things, we can. Ok, so maybe it’s not so simple, but once you get the hang of it, it does get easier and becomes second nature.

Here are some ways you can stay sane in an insane situation, like the pandemic, connect with others, and not feel as though life is passing you by:

  • Being home with the family (and seeking sanity in a pandemic??)

    Set up times where you’re all together, like dinner. Maybe everyone can even take turns cooking (and cleaning up after!). And if everyone gets to choose a new dish they want to make, it breaks up the go-to dinners and makes the mundane day a little more exciting.

    Having an interactive activity together, like game night, can also bring you closer while having some good ‘ole family fun. Can’t handle one more game of CandyLand? Make a new game! One family we talked to, put rice in some old socks and created a corn-hole type of game using plastic cups. If you need some ideas, go to Pinterest, or better yet, have everyone pick a game and play something different every night.

    Ok, so after all this family time, you probably need some alone time. Assign everyone a different spot in the house to be there ‘calm zone’ where they can work, or read, or just recharge. It can be their bedroom, one side of the living room, or if you have a walk in closet, turn it into a cool fort for the kids or a reading nook for you.

  • But I live alone! What can I do?

    It can get lonely being home by yourself all day, but there are plenty of ways to connect with other humans—and non-humans.

    Let’s start with the humans. Humans need humans; we need people to talk to, to laugh with, and to share our feelings with. There’s a reason why Zoom is so popular; we need people in our lives to feel good. So grab a glass of wine, gather some friends, and have a virtual happy hour! Or reach out to the extended family, or your college buddies, and set up a monthly call. Not only will you enjoy catching up with friends, you’ll share some great memories and won’t be able to help feeling good.

    And the non-humans? It’s a good time to think about getting your own Spot, Fluffy, or George. Animal shelters are always looking to place pets in forever homes. If you’ve been thinking about adopting, now a great time. You will make some cutie-pie happy and you’ll find yourself happy as well.

  • Get outside

    Fresh air and a change of scenery can immediately lift your spirits. Take in some vitamin D at the park and just watch the leaves dance in the wind, listen to the birds sing, hear the water rushing in the stream, and even the background traffic can have a calming effect on you.

    Bring your work outside too. One of the best things about working virtual, is that you can truly work virtually anywhere! No wifi? Use your cell phone as a hot spot. You may find your more creative being outside too.

  • Get moving!

    Sometimes the last thing you want to do is exercise. So don’t think of it as exercise. Put on Just Dance, follow along on YouTube, or join the Tic-Tok fun. Another great thing about being inside, you can silly-dance with no one watching!!

    Not into dancing? No problem! Take a walk, shoot some hoops, practice that golf swing, or even play with that new puppy you just got! It doesn’t matter what you do, the key is to not think of it as exercising, instead think of it as playing. Who doesn’t love to play? Bring out your inner child and have a little fun!

  • Get still

    When the outside world gets to be too much on the inside, it’s time to calm your mind and recenter. This pandemic has been hard on everyone. It’s ok to be sad, uncertain, confused, and downright exhausted. But when it starts to get out of hand, it’s time to find some inner peace and practice mindfulness.

    What’s mindfulness you ask? According to Merriam-Webster, “mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis”

    The best way to practice mindfulness is by meditating. Mediating allows you to look inward and discover yourself at another level and gives you a healthy sense of perspective. Mediation also lowers stress, improves focus, and can help reduce all internal chatter as well as negative thoughts. This ancient art of mediation is still very prevalent today—because it works.

    If you never tried to meditate, have no fear. There are tons of websites, apps, and videos to help you get started. And you can meditate practically anywhere, so find that cozy corner you created and let the world out and focus on you.

We are living in a period we have never experienced before. There may be a few more bumps along the road (and if there are, chances are it will happen in 2020!). It’s so a time we will never forget in our lives (Remember when we were all quarantined? Look I still have my mask!). However you think about it, we’re in this together. We need to be kind to ourselves and others.

What helps you cope during this time? Comment below. Let’s build a wellbeing circle that just keeps cheering each other on until we find that elusive sanity in a pandemic and whatever else is to come.

Visit Brown’s Underground for a peek into my reality of a working mom of two boys, wife of 18 years, messy cook, and figuring out 50—which they say is the new 30! Of course, I don’t know who “they” are. Probably all us Gen Xers who are now 50! Follow me and let’s do this together—just watch out for the gum I just stepped in!

Julie Brown, Brown’s Underground

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